Wednesday 11 February 2009

Costume Design

We researched costumes used in existing crime caper movies, auch as 'Ocean's Twelve'. We noticed that they dress very smartly, mostly wearing suits, in an attempt to appear wealthy and more respectable. Their casual dress is still fairly smart, apart from if they are on a job and have to get into character, someeimes they have to dress down.

We are going to attempt to replicate this by wearing smart clothes for our production, for the same reasons as mentioned before. As we may not all be able to locate suits, we will wear white shirts underneath dark (preferably blue or black) jackets.

Below is an image of the notes I made reguarding costuming for our production.
I will explain what the image says as it may be hard to read.

A suit is the sort of formal look we are going for; suave and presentable. They would be worn in the scenes in which the characters are standing in the gallery looking at the painting, as they would need to have a good appearance to be taken seriously in this environment.

In my opinion the smart look can be achieved if just the collar and cuffs on the sleeves are visble, and the rest under a dark overcoat or jacket. Dark trousers / jeans would be best.

Hoodies or other casual clothes will be worn in the scenes showing the planning of the 'job'.

For practical reasons these would be worn under shirts that we will wear for the heist scenes, saving time by not having to do costume changes every time we want to shoot another part of the sequence. It would also provide a contrast between the formal dress code, and also give an insight to the characteristics of each individual; when in suits they are all in the same situation, whereas if they are shown in their own clothes it gives us a chance to show their different personalities.

The same trousers can also be worn in these scenes, for practical reasons.

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